School First

Amy Webb, M.S.Ed.

 Education Consultant

I have spent many years getting to know young children, their families, and the many different school options in New York City. I began my work as an educator in District 2 public schools, followed by several years as a teacher of children ages 2 through 5 at The Washington Market School, then at Columbus Park West Nursery School.

I studied early childhood education at Bank Street, which gave me the tools to assess children’s different approaches to thinking and learning. As a teacher, I loved developing curriculum in many areas – math, language, art, music, science, and social studies. When I taught in the teacher training program at City College of NewYork for 5 years, I focused on child development and applying theory to teaching practice. I also taught a music methods course which was so much fun – integrating making music with understanding the brain science of its impact on development and learning!

As the Director of The Great Little School at Broadway Presbyterian Church for 13 years, I worked with families to find the right ongoing school fit for their children – from private to public, traditional to progressive, single-sex to co-ed, uptown to downtown, east side to west. The crux of working with parents to find the right school is a shared vision of who their child is, and how they best learn. It is also gratifying to offer guidance on the logistics and minutiae in what can inevitably feel like an overwhelming process for families. My relationships with admissions professionals play a key role as well.

Amy Webb

When I counsel families, my mantra is, “I know children. But you know your child.” Working together with our respective expertise, we can collaborate to find the right school fit. Whether you are looking for the right early childhood program, ongoing private school, or public school options, I bring years of experience to help guide you.

I am also pleased to offer services for preschools and day care centers. I know all too well that the work of administering a school or childcare center is more than a full time job. For child care leaders who would like a mentor, or an exmissions specialist, in this nuanced work of supporting the transition to ongoing schools, I can help. I happily offer my years of experience with exmissions, and my familiarity with NYC private schools, as well as District 2 – 6 public schools.

I split my time between Washington Heights and the Hudson Valley, where I garden, go for lake swims, and hikes with my dogs. In my spare time, I collaborate on theater work with artists both in the city and upstate, and am currently writing my first play.

My commitment is to work with you in building healthy school communities that support faculty, staff, and families. I know that admissions, diversity, equity, and inclusion need to be aligned in an effort to create the ideal school environment; one where everyone thrives.
In my placement work, I specialize in nursery school through college. I take a student-first approach, with a firm conviction that a school must match a student’s learning style and interests. I am passionate about supporting families as they navigate the admissions process within schools throughout the country. My extensive experience in student recruitment and retention enables me to work closely with families to understand and weigh the benefits of an individual school’s unique qualities. Finding the right fit when it comes to both academics and community is vital to student success.
I have had the pleasure of serving as Director of Admissions at Corlears School in New York, as well as San Francisco Day School and Live Oak School both in San Francisco. I have also worked in placement roles at The School at Columbia in New York and for Metropolitan Education Consulting Group, Washington, D.C. In these positions, my task was to ensure families were fully equipped with all they needed for their students to succeed.
As a search consultant, I have successfully placed a diverse group of teachers and administrators in independent schools throughout the country. My personal attention ensures long-lasting placements that benefit each candidate as well as the schools.
Being a parent to my son Jacob is what brings me the greatest joy. He is currently a student at Howard University and remains front of mind as I support families. I know first hand what it feels like to see one’s child wake up in the morning full of joy as they head off to a school that best matches their social, emotional and academic needs. I also get great pleasure from a long outdoor run and from traveling with friends and family. I live between New York City and Miami with my dog Jazzy.